Thursday 27 November 2014

Parent Teacher Interviews

Extremely tough this year considering it took place during a day where I had no prep nor lunch break.

But at least tomorrow we end early!

And off to Exia!

Sunday 16 November 2014

Report card comments...

... takes forever to write! Finished my three core classes in about two hours.

I'll leave my three option classes for tomorrow... or Tuesday...

And benchmarks...

Can't forget about those benchmarks...


Sunday 9 November 2014

Song Ji Eun - Pretty at 25 Review

It's been a while since I last posted and I don't feel like marking anymore. What better way to get back to blogging than to write a review blog?

As of a month ago, I stumbled across a teaser for Song Ji Eun's (which I dub as the Korean Mozart of Kpop female singers) new dance track. Personally, I was a bit weary, because I wasn't too fond of her previous release song: Don't Look at Me (which came out just a couple weeks before this new teaser). Nevertheless, the teaser was really promising, thus peaking my curiosity for her upcoming release.

And on Oct 13th, the MV was released!

Review and Thoughts

If I'm not mistaken, I believe this is her first solo dance track. Ji Eun is not particularly known for her dancing skills for SECRET has Jun Hyosung and Jung Hana to rely on. Honestly, I wasn't expecting much from the MV, but I have to say that I was pleasantly surprised. She actually has a pretty decent choreography. Sure it's no BoA or HyunA, but I have to say it's pretty impressive.

Despite being a dance track, there weren't a lot of dance scenes throughout the music video. The producers instead focused on how pretty Ji Eun is; and boy is she pretty.

And this

After many watches and building immunity to her charms, I was able to analyze the MV with a more leveled head.

In terms of content, there isn't much. The main theme of the song is that she's 25, thus meaning she's no longer a girl. "It's [her] time to shine". Yet all I see is pink and balloons. For most of the MV, I'm not getting that sense that she's maturing into a woman.

But then again, I guess it depends on your definition of what a woman entails. It could possibly mean that she's able to pick her own style, for she's "beautiful, young and free", yet I don't think that was the main intention.

Other than that detail, I thoroughly enjoyed the music video. It was bright and cheerful, unlike her past two MVs (Don't Stare at Me and False Hope). The little scenes that were dance scenes were a nice addition to the MV.

Moving onto the song, I think it's a wonderful track produced by Duble Sidekick (producers of many 2014 songs like Jiyeon's Never Ever, SECRET - I'm in Love, Kara - Mama Mia, A Pink - Mr. Chu, etc). The melody is catchy and the saxophone segments really hits the spot. It may not be the most vocally challenging piece, and it probably doesn't highlight Ji Eun's strong clear vocals well, yet it's been my number 1 song on my playlist of late.

Also I believe this is the first time we hear Ji Eun rap! She may not be the best rapper, yet it's cute how she keeps on repeating "Pretty age 25".

Overall Remarks
A strong single and track for Ji Eun's "25" album. The MV doesn't really reflect the lyrics as well as I would like, but it does a great job in terms of eye candy. The song may not be the best display of Ji Eun's talents, but its nevertheless very catchy. (I've been constantly listening to only this song on my drive home from work over the past couple of weeks!)

Overall: 9.5/10

And to end off my post