Monday 19 December 2016

Winter Break 2016 Day 1? Final Fantasy is coming to town!!

I can't recall how I count the days of Winter Break in previous years, but let's say today is Day 1.

Woke up a bit later than I expected, but early enough to ready myself to purchase tickets for Distant World: Final Fantasy. Ever since the Zelda concert in... 2011 or 2012, I've been hoping that Final Fantasy will one day come to Calgary.

Lo and behold, my wishes came true! When I found out that they were coming to Calgary, I literally jumped for joy, which is something that I rarely do. To this day, it is still my favorite when it comes to game music, Nobuo Uematsu and Masashi Hamauzu (and whoever makes music for FF) are musical geniuses in my opinion. Now, just to count down to May 21st 2017!!

Other than that, I started Final Fantasy XV today. Square Enix sure spent a long time with the game, but I'm very pleased with the result.

Besides relaxation, my dad and I changed the oil in my car and my mom's car. Took a bloody long time, due to certain factors, but at least it's done!

Now I just have to find time to do marking this break... and some lesson planning... Work has been extremely draining this year as to date... which is one reason why I've been blogging a lot less.

But less excuses and off to enjoy Winter Break 2016!