Tuesday 10 October 2017

Late 6th year anniversary post

Six years and four days ago, I started this blog. I used to blog more frequently, but a mixture of boredom and a lack of time has made posts more and more infrequent. It's hard to believe that six years has passed. My initial intent with this blog was to improve on my writing, which I hope has improved somewhat over time. A rather stagnant blog, in that it hasn't evolved dramatically over the years, but it's something that I like for it keeps things simple.

I'll get back to it on a daily basis when I turn 29... which is not too far from now sadly. 

Anyways, it has been over a month since I started my first year as a grade 9 homeroom teacher. Like a couple years back where I got the opportunity to teach a previous grade 7 class grade 8 material, it felt a lot easier since I already had a bond with my students. As for my assignment this year, I have one grade 7 science class, three grade 8 classes and one grade 9 class. So far so good. I'm enjoying teaching grade 9 despite all the prep work that I need to do for it since I never taught it before. 

Other than that, life has been pretty ordinary. Routines are never bad, but perhaps I need to find some way to spice it up!

Till whenever I write again! =P