Thursday 30 November 2017

Last Day of November 2017

A blog post a month. Not too bad... I promise to get back to it daily when I turn 29 next year.

Life has once again reached a comfortable lull; work --> work out --> sleep and repeat. I've been plateauing in terms of weight loss and strength gain, but hopefully a change in my program would shake things up.

Other than that, I had my first student teacher finish her practicum. It was an interesting experience being a mentor. It's similar to teaching students, yet different since the student is a full grown adult. I admit I was initially wary of getting a student teacher because I heard horror stories from others before (which makes me wonder if my mentor teachers had a similar feeling of foreboding before they met me). Fortunately, things went smoothly throughout the five weeks she was here.

It's a little bit difficult to get back to teaching a full schedule again...

One last thing: I upgraded from my iPhone 5s. It has lasted through me throughout the years, including two trips to Japan, to Mexico, camping, falling on concrete, falling into a bathtub, and many more stories. Personally, I find it quite quick still, just that my rear camera hasn't been working since... end of April? It was pretty much after the camping trip with the grade 6s at my school.

It's nice to have a phone with a rear camera.

The tempered glass screen protector is a bit beat up, but once again, phone is in relatively good shape!