Monday 1 July 2019

Happy Canada Day!

Taking two months off from blogging was refreshing. A lot has happened since the end of April -- I took the Google Certified Educator Level 1 course in May and managed to pass the online exam (which was interesting since I still wonder to this day how Google managed to mark it via AI... or something akin to AI), to taking two courses (Level 2 for GCE and a Chromebook course) in June. I'm just studying for the GCE Level 2 exam -- thank goodness there's no exam for the Chromebook course!

Other than that, school is out for the year! Unlike previous years, I don't feel as fatigued... mostly due to the fact that I had a student teacher teach for 3 months for me. The only "sucky" part about my summer break so far is that I caught a virus. My guess is the flu due to fatigue, headache, body aches, and other cold like symptoms, but that only lasted for about half a day. (Sleeping for a good part of that day did help.) Now it's just cough and runny nose.

But besides all that, Happy Canada Day! Like the past... four Canada Day's now, I've stayed at home instead of going out to celebrate. 

Argh, blasted sickness!