Tuesday 31 December 2019

What a decade it has been!

I meant to blog after my last travel blog, but I blame it on work... I'm hoping to be more active as the new year and decade starts though! Not daily like my last 365 day challenge, but perhaps weekly?

The 2010's has been an interesting time as I transitioned into my 20's, or more specifically 21-30. Besides graduating with my two degrees, meeting new people at university and out of university, I got the the chance to travel and explore places like Mexico, parts of the United States, and most importantly to me, Japan. I started to learn Japanese, despite still being self-classified as a 3-4 year old in terms of my vocabulary and sentence structure.

I grew in both mentally (I hope) and physically. First in terms of weight, but then gained some muscle mass while losing weight! I realized how important it was to stay in shape after seeing how fat I got after my first year at work. I'm not where I want to be yet, but I'm feeling a lot better than I did for the first half of my 20s. I believe I also became more resilient and realized how special, yet ordinary I am at the same time. I finally realized how some things don't just naturally fall into my lap, and sometimes all the hard work you put into something doesn't give you the results that you want. However, there's never regret for putting in hard work. 

A big accomplishment for me, despite being small for others, was my first large purchase: a car that I always wanted as a child. Granted, my tastes changed in my early 20s from when I was a child, first playing my first car game, but I'm grateful that I had the opportunity to purchase a car that I always admired. 

With the end of this decade in less than 30 minutes, I wish that the 2020's bring prosperity and happiness to everyone! I end 2019 in a large way... but that's for another story perhaps. =)