Tuesday 7 April 2020

To the first year of my 30's

Besides my vacation posts, my 30th year on earth has been rather eventful. I managed to survive another school year, albeit with less stress since I took on a second year student teacher. He taught pretty much all my classes (including my Robotics class), meaning that I was able to "sit back and relax"! I was feeling great in June, which is definitely not the feeling I usually get at that time of the year.

Summer hit and it was off to Japan for a three and a half week vacation. I got to explore the Tohoku region while hitting up places I missed the first time as I went back to Chugoku (places in Hiroshima, Okayama) and Shikoku Island. It was a bittersweet trip, for it was the last time I saw my grandfather before he passed away in September. It feels odd knowing that all my grandparents are no longer here.

The new school year started, and I mostly had my homeroom from the previous year for grade 9. I was teaching karate again as an option, which is nice since it didn't require as much prep time compared to robotics or music. Personally, the school year was quite ordinary until March hit. Unlike the last pandemic we had in 2009-2010 (Swine Flu), SARS-CoV-2, which causes COVID-19, has hit the world in a way I never seen hit before. Ever since the last day I saw my students on March 12th, we've been working/teaching/learning at home. New terms, like social distancing are starting to become mainstream. The sense of dread fills the air, but humanity will get through this somehow.

And that's a quick recap of my first full year in my 30's! I took an extended break after my 365 day challenge; I will post more often in comparison to the last year!