Thursday 7 April 2022

Another whole year has passed already?

 Once again, so much for writing on a more consistent basis. It seems like we're near the tail end of the pandemic (though seems like we'll be entering a 6th wave soon). It's hard to believe that I'm 33 years old, yet I'm starting to feel my age. It's not as easy for me to exercise without a proper warmup/massage/after session stretch.

It has been another eventful year: purchasing A/C for my house (the last heat wave was unbearable... and watch me contribute to climate change negatively), starting my ninth year as a teacher, and, perhaps most importantly, finding someone special in my life. <3

Gas prices was insane a few weeks back, where I was paying nearly $2 a litre for 94 octane. I feel sad for those living in other parts of the country where gas prices are beyond that! Cost of living has gone up considerably, but I'm fortunate to have my career and a stable income. I'm hoping that it stays that way for many years to come!

To help encourage me blog more often, I'll be starting a new challenge for the year. I'll blog at least once every two weeks, whether it's a review blog of a place I visited, a show I watched, or some philosophical thought that enters my head at that time.

In all selfishness, to my health for the year! And I guess for all of you too! Haha

Thank you for spending the time reading my blog posts!