Sunday 29 January 2023

Former Students Visiting!

 It has been a while, hasn't it. A lot has happened ever since September, besides it being a new school year. Some great, while others not as great. Either way, you can only keep going on in life! Some highlights included travelling to Vancouver and Seattle right after New Years. I was fortunate enough that I didn't have to plan for this trip. Certainly felt different compared to most other trips where I usually whip up some kind of itinerary. 

On Friday, I had some former students come visit me at work. It was nice to see them, for they were in grade 9 when the pandemic first started. Even though I don't have any children of my own, I sometimes feel like the students I have taught are like my own. It's nice to see them grow up and figure out more about themselves and what they want to do in the future. That's one of the reasons why I enjoy teaching so much! And thank you to all of my former students for reading my blog! I hope I was able to somewhat entertain you with my thoughts and trips. That reminds me that I need to update my blog with Ottawa and Vancouver & Seattle!

But that's all for now!