Sunday 7 April 2024

35 Years Old...

 I never did get to writing an overall reflection blog post for summer 2023. Perhaps one day, since the trip is still quite vivid in my mind.

It's hard to believe that I'm 35 years old. I probably mentioned it before, but when I was under 18, I couldn't wait to be of age. As I grew older, I was quite satisfied in regards to my chronological age, till I reached 31. After that, I always wished I was still younger. As time goes on, I'm sure I'll start to appreciate what age I live up to, which will hopefully be a decently long time.

Saturday school started yesterday, and I started a part-time job as a banquet server at a hotel nearby. Any extra income in this economy is a much-needed relief. (I'll probably talk more about my experiences as a banquet server in another post later on). As for today, after coming home at around 1 AM, and catching up on sleep, it was a relatively relaxing day. For dinner, my girlfriend took me out to a relatively new dining experience: Le Petit Chef. It was my first time to experience an interactive dinner. The food was decent, but the experience was definitely the highlight of the night. I only wished that each clip was a bit long. Another "perhaps I'll elaborate further in a different post". 

Off to catching up on more sleep! This up coming school week should be relatively laid back due to no students on Wednesday and a field trip to Edmonton this Thursday. Thank you to all of you that wished me a happy birthday! =)