Saturday 29 March 2014

Fascinating cup kids

After dinner today, we went to Tenren (I think that's how you spell it) for bubble tea. I decided to get a hot drink today and this is what I got. 

I had to say that I was pretty amazed bu the dual purpose of this cup lid! It's a simple, yet brilliant idea!

Wednesday 26 March 2014

It was working... And then I screwed it up

Today was the day where I went to go pick up my brand new rig from memory express! I opted out from building the machine for two main reasons. One: I can never make a clean job of building a comp (I have some experience with my brother's two previous computers) and two: my house is still kinda messy. 

Anyways, after a bumpy ride in which I almost wrecked my car (I dunno how I did it, but I went over a small cliff with the right half of my vehicle... Which resulted in some scraping and maybe some other damage...) I picked up my machine and went back home. 

Now my initial plan was to build a hackintosh. That's a PC installed with Mac OS. I found a great guide on TonyMacx86 and proceeded to follow it. Everything went smoothly and I managed to do the extra things I needed to do for my system (since I have a Asus mother board). But somehow I was unable to fix all the glitches. After 3-4 hours, I decided to take a break and just install windows 7 for now. I want to eventually try the hackintosh again in the future!

And now I really need to get back to work... Which I'll do in a couple hours time! Off to sleep!

Monday 24 March 2014

Spring break!

I would say that today is my first official day for Spring Break 2014! I got up later than I would have, but I managed to get work done. After I finished my work for today (marking) my brother and I hooked up the ps3 so I could finally start FF XIII-3! I'm liking it so far! I don't really like the stress that comes with a doomsday clock, but I really enjoy the battle system! 

Monday 17 March 2014

Tuesday 11 March 2014

I'll start writing again soon!

Ill start writing again soon! As for now, you'll just have to look at my pictures. 

Saturday 8 March 2014

Marked quite a bit today!

My wrist is sore, but I managed to mark a bit! And no I didn't mark all that yet, but I reckon I'm about 85% done...

Long time no post!

My apologies. I was busy with report cards and marking! Still a lot of marking to do...

Anyways, for today's picture:

Saturday 1 March 2014

Golden Garbage Can Award

Buckets are ready! Had to improvise a bit, but I think it'll be okay