Wednesday 26 March 2014

It was working... And then I screwed it up

Today was the day where I went to go pick up my brand new rig from memory express! I opted out from building the machine for two main reasons. One: I can never make a clean job of building a comp (I have some experience with my brother's two previous computers) and two: my house is still kinda messy. 

Anyways, after a bumpy ride in which I almost wrecked my car (I dunno how I did it, but I went over a small cliff with the right half of my vehicle... Which resulted in some scraping and maybe some other damage...) I picked up my machine and went back home. 

Now my initial plan was to build a hackintosh. That's a PC installed with Mac OS. I found a great guide on TonyMacx86 and proceeded to follow it. Everything went smoothly and I managed to do the extra things I needed to do for my system (since I have a Asus mother board). But somehow I was unable to fix all the glitches. After 3-4 hours, I decided to take a break and just install windows 7 for now. I want to eventually try the hackintosh again in the future!

And now I really need to get back to work... Which I'll do in a couple hours time! Off to sleep!

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