Wednesday 30 April 2014

It's really been a while...

Longest break yet perhaps?

Work has been busy the past couple of days. To be honest... I'm not quite sure why that's the case since I finally started a unit in which I have premade materials already...

Or it could be fatigue... It's almost the end of the school year! I believe there's less than 8 weeks of school left! It's really hard to believe that it's almost over.

But in a sense, I can't wait for my summer to start! It's going to be JAM packed and I promise (for sure this time... feel like I say this quite often) that my blog posts will be intersting! =) Well starting from around July 5th... =P

Sunday 20 April 2014

Ducks at UofC

I went to the science fair yesterday. And guess what I saw!


Wednesday 16 April 2014

A day of bumps and boo boos

I've cut my scalp, stubbed my toe, bumped my elbow, and a bunch of other minor injuries today. =(

Man my finger looks huge in this picture. 

Monday 14 April 2014

Spring break was barely 3 weeks ago...

yet I can't wait for the long weekend! I'm not sure why I'm so tired already...

Perhaps I should hit the sack now.

But apologies for the lack of posts. I haven't had much interesting things to say recently. Mostly I've been just waking up and going to work; coming home and doing more work.

Tis the life of a first year teacher!

Monday 7 April 2014


I still find it hard to believe that I'm 25 years old. It really felt like I only turned 20 yesterday; yet that day seems so far away at the same time. (I've been thinking about dualities a lot recently).

As the years go by, I have to admit that it doesn't feel as special as it used to be. I can clearly recall my 16th birthday and my 18th birthday since these are pretty big events in a teenager's life. On the other hand, once I hit my 20s, it didn't feel as special anymore. And it also takes me more time to recall my age. Never before had I have to ponder how old I am, and even more so as I age through my 20s.

But here I am. For better or for worse. Once again, I don't feel much different; it was a pretty ordinary day today (well a little bit more work than I expected but that's a different story).

As selfish as the next part sounds like, to my good health for the many more years to come! And to all of you too! =)

Saturday 5 April 2014