Saturday 30 August 2014

No more cold lunches!

Im normally too lazy to walk down to the kitchen to heat up my lunch at school...

So I got myself one of these!

Thursday 28 August 2014

Teacher Appreciation Day!

Tech PD, working on course outlines, worked out and went to staples for Teacher Appreciation Day. 

There's not enough hours in a day!

Wednesday 27 August 2014

Nearly ready!

Almost finished setting up for next week! Just a little bit of decorating to do. For the afternoon, we went to hear our ATA representative talk to us. 

And after all that, there was badminton tonight. 

And now sleep! 

I finally have a desk! Yay!

Tuesday 26 August 2014

First day back!

Im still working on that Mexico post...

Anyways, today marked my first day back to work! It started out with a nice breakfast (which unfortunately I couldn't partake in since I was full from my own breakfast). After a brief meeting and intro of the new staff members, we proceeded to set up our classrooms. 

And that essentially marked my day. I took down some stuff, grabbed some stuff from my old classroom and got myself settled in. I had to order some supplies as well since I didn't order enough in the first place. 

And after work I went to go work out. I've been going for a weeks now and it seemingly starting to pay off. I definitely feel a lot better lately!

But alas... When I was building my RG strike freedom... A piece snapped. 

The curse of amateur painting. 

It's that little piece that looks like it's jutting it's jaw; right at the joint there. 

Tuesday 12 August 2014

Nearly mid-August... Warning, lame post ahead

Time definitely flies by when you're constantly busy! I can't believe it's almost the middle of August...

So lame post for today, but I'll post tomorrow (hopefully) about what I did for the first week of August!

I just had to post this because I can't believe I haven't blogged at all for the month of August yet...