Tuesday 26 August 2014

First day back!

Im still working on that Mexico post...

Anyways, today marked my first day back to work! It started out with a nice breakfast (which unfortunately I couldn't partake in since I was full from my own breakfast). After a brief meeting and intro of the new staff members, we proceeded to set up our classrooms. 

And that essentially marked my day. I took down some stuff, grabbed some stuff from my old classroom and got myself settled in. I had to order some supplies as well since I didn't order enough in the first place. 

And after work I went to go work out. I've been going for a weeks now and it seemingly starting to pay off. I definitely feel a lot better lately!

But alas... When I was building my RG strike freedom... A piece snapped. 

The curse of amateur painting. 

It's that little piece that looks like it's jutting it's jaw; right at the joint there. 

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