Tuesday 2 September 2014

Rest in Peace EunB

First day of school! I believe it went relatively well today.

After school, I went to purchase a couple more supplies for school. Then it was off for my workout.

After a hard workout, I went home to eat and relax. Normally, I would go to a couple of Korean pop sites to read up current events. On one of the sites I normally frequent, I learned that Ladies Code (an upcoming group in which I follow a bit), had a fatal accident. One of their members, EunB, unfortunately passed away at the scene of the accident. Two other members, Sojung and RiSe were critically injured, but it seemed like their surgery was successful.

It's disheartening to hear such news. There has been a sling of car accidents involving celebrities, but I believe this is the first fatal accident (of which I heard of in the 2010 era).

My condolence to the friends and family of EunB, and may she rest in peace.

EDIT: I neglected to mention the death of their driver as well. May his family find the strength as they grieve for their loss. May he also rest in peace. 

EDIT 2: Sojung is apparently stable but RiSe is still critical. 

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