Sunday 27 September 2015

Missed the rare super moon lunar eclipse

Since I was building this

I believe the next one will take place 18 years from now or so. 

I'll have to make a mental reminder not to miss that one, though I think chances are likely that I will...

Thursday 17 September 2015

It's been a month already!

It's been a month since we came back from our trip (didn't start writing about my reflections quite yet). I'm still in the mode where it seems like time is moving slowly, yet quickly at the same time. If it clarifies my current feelings, I guess it's more akin to the days feeling long, but the weeks going by quickly.

Other than that, another day at work. I feel like I'm starting to fall behind though, which means lots of catching up to do! I'm glad that next week has a couple PD days for me to get work done.

And perhaps an early night tonight. Haven't been able to get much sleep over the past couple of nights.

Tuesday 15 September 2015

It's been a while Chopin

CWork was pretty ordinary. I'm still getting used to my current schedule. I would say it's less demanding than my schedule from last year, yet I feel like it's somehow more work!

Or maybe it's due to all the booklets I have to mark...

Besides work, I went home and opened up Chopin's Ballade for the first time since... July. (Right before I left to Japan).

It felt nice to play the Ballade again, and the first couple pages went a lot better than I expected!

And I think I'm going to call it an early night tonight.

From a quick demo last week.  

Sunday 13 September 2015

My Teen Romantic Comedy- My Youth Romantic Comedy is Wrong as I Expected

I'm not sure why, but I'm starting to watch romantic comedy again (dramas and now apparently anime). I happened to stumble upon this series a couple weeks back and started to watch one episode a day religiously.

First season was great -- second season was mind blowing good. Characters were well developed and the story line was well written in my opinion. The only downfall was the ending of the second season, though I hope that means they're bringing in a third season/OVA to wrap it up!

It's unlike any romantic comedy that I've seen in that the main character is mostly anti-social, along with another, somewhat anti-social girl and a "normal" girl. As UNEXPECTED of love triangles, I was distraught in that I didn't have a pair to "ship". I could see the main character with any of the two. It wasn't really the chemistry between the two, but perhaps my wanting for the main character to change the way he does things (no spoilers).

I haven't done a review of a series in a while, nor am I going to do a review of this series, but I do highly recommend the two seasons (13 episodes each) and the OVA (between 1st and 2nd I believe).

Well made, and quite entertaining. I lost my discipline and binged watch the second season because that's how good I thought it was.


Thursday 10 September 2015

Most interesting cramping sensation

Near the end of my workout today, I did some core.

After a measly 30 crunches, my abdominal region started to cramp.

It started with my right side (around the middle) cramping, then it relaxed while my upper region started to cramp.

Once that was over, then the upper most layer started to cramp!

I never had such a sensation before. =/

Monday 7 September 2015

Labour Day 2015

It was a pleasant weekend. I was able to build a large deal of my Zeta, work out a couple times and make some notes for my students.

Only problem was all the rain...

Other than that, I'm almost readjusted to being back in Calgary. It just feels so weird to be back after my arrival from Japan. I feel, however, more productive being back here than pre-Japan.

The wonders of what getting away from your hometown can do to you. =)

Almost done! The backpack was quite hard to attach though... Nearly took me 15 minutes to get it on. 

Tuesday 1 September 2015

First Day with Students

First day back with students! It went remarkably smoother than I thought it would go on the first day. After school, I stayed for quite a bit to get work done. I believe I should be ready for the rest of the week.

And now rest before sleep. I've been trying to read before bedtime, though it hasn't always gone according to plan.