Sunday 13 September 2015

My Teen Romantic Comedy- My Youth Romantic Comedy is Wrong as I Expected

I'm not sure why, but I'm starting to watch romantic comedy again (dramas and now apparently anime). I happened to stumble upon this series a couple weeks back and started to watch one episode a day religiously.

First season was great -- second season was mind blowing good. Characters were well developed and the story line was well written in my opinion. The only downfall was the ending of the second season, though I hope that means they're bringing in a third season/OVA to wrap it up!

It's unlike any romantic comedy that I've seen in that the main character is mostly anti-social, along with another, somewhat anti-social girl and a "normal" girl. As UNEXPECTED of love triangles, I was distraught in that I didn't have a pair to "ship". I could see the main character with any of the two. It wasn't really the chemistry between the two, but perhaps my wanting for the main character to change the way he does things (no spoilers).

I haven't done a review of a series in a while, nor am I going to do a review of this series, but I do highly recommend the two seasons (13 episodes each) and the OVA (between 1st and 2nd I believe).

Well made, and quite entertaining. I lost my discipline and binged watch the second season because that's how good I thought it was.


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