Thursday 1 October 2015

Another chapter concluded

Never ended up publishing this for some odd reason... looks like I don't have to write something for today! This was meant to be released on September 20

Started my day with karate, followed with my very last volunteering session at the hospital. I started approximately 8 years ago (September 2007ish if I'm not mistaken).

I initially started with the piano program. I had a variety of different time schedules -- Monday afternoons to Thursday afternoons (I think that's how I progressed... or maybe it's the other way around), followed by Saturday mornings. After playing on Saturday mornings for about... 3 years, I switched over to another position last October. That position happened to be a cashier at the Take Ten Gift shop.

It was quite different than the piano program. I had my brother give me an orientation of my new position (since he's been in it for 3 years or so). I worked with a register before at the Calgary Stampede, though not intimately like how I do every other Sunday. It took a while, but I finally became adjusted to my shift at the hospital.

Unfortunately, I'm not the best at time management, thus needing every Sunday to get work complete. Therefore, I made the executive decision to let some things go.

It was an interesting 8 years, with various events that took place during my stint at the hospital. I'll always remember the good (people actually trying to give me money for playing the piano, and free snacks/drinks) and the bad (some guy and his wife laughed at me sarcastically as they stated how "loud" the piano was).

Perhaps in the future, I'll have time to volunteer again at the hospital, or find some other place to volunteer!

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