Tuesday 19 January 2016

Skiing Trip Over

The last two days had students from my school learning how to ski/snowboard at COP. Unfortunately, due to chilblains, I was unable to snowboard this year. Last year it was bronchitis, this year chilblains... there's always next time.

After getting things done after work today (though it was quite difficult to do so... I never thought I would be tired sitting inside the lodge for the entire day), it was off to my workout. 5 sets of 2 decline bench turned out to be better than I expected. 205 lbs was actually somewhat doable!

Back to learning Hiragana as well. My goal is to be able to speak conversational Japanese for the next time I go to Japan... which will be this summer... ;)

Sigh... if only travelling wasn't that expensive... I would go back yearly!

The seven Gundams I built since August 2015. Took me to January 2016 to build 1 SD, 4 RGs, 1 MG and 1 PG. 

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