Wednesday 31 December 2014

2014 - A personal year in review

In a couple hours, it'll be the end of 2014.

A year of much growth.

A year of new beginnings.

A year of hardship, yet enjoyment all the same.

2014... it was a life changing year for me.

The first couple months were rough. I remember coming down with bronchitis and how that really put a hamper for me at work. It was difficult concentrating at work, and it led to more stress for me. Almost like a positive feedback loop, it made the first two months really crappy.

Not to mention that we were still undergoing some renovations which made it difficult for me to work at home. It may have led to the habit of me staying after school to do work instead of going back home. =P

After bronchitis, I went through a series of other illnesses which caused me additional grief. Small perhaps to some, but significant for me. Near the end of the school year, I was exhausted, beaten down, yet optimistic.

Summer was coming -- vacation time!

After completing my final task at school (Yearbook), I counted down the remaining days till my first trip. Japan was an amazing experience, something so foreign yet nostalgic at the same time. It was different to see one side of my heritage via older eyes. After two and a half weeks, it was back home to Calgary to prepare for my next trip.

Mexico was relaxing, though comfortably dull. I realized that I was more of an "explorer" traveler in that I rather be sightseeing than relaxing by the beach. Nevertheless, I experienced much throughout the two trips which, as cliche as it sounds, opened my mind. I'm a different person coming back after the summer in comparison to pre-departure David Maruyama.

And so begins my second year as a teacher. Fortunately, my core courses were the same as last year, so I was able to reuse a lot of my old lesson plans. That gave me some time to go exercise.

And exercise was much needed indeed! I don't recall feeling so "healthy" in quite a while! It's a great stress relief and a good way to practice goal-setting.

All in all, the year started out roughly, but got progressively better, especially July onwards. I'm looking forward to what 2015 may bring, and hopefully it'll be another great year for everyone.

Best wishes to all for 2015!

And hopefully I'll blog and post pictures more! (Doubt it though...)

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