Monday 22 December 2014

Day 1 of Break

To make up for the lack of blog posts, I decided to blog what I do daily. Not only will it give me something to read when I'm bored (I find it to be quite useful in triggering my memory), it'll hopefully inspire me to do more interesting stuff during the day to blog about!

Anyways, I woke up later than normal (but earlier than I expected) and went about my morning routine. I also made a couple of calls and finally got back my aeroplan (actually made a new one) and created an Esso Speedpass. After that, I got a long needed haircut and proceeded to game away the afternoon.

After playing a ton of LoL, I went out to exercise. It was a deadlift sort of day... a day I really dread. Fortunately, IU survived to tell the tale, and I came home to eat dinner and play FF XIII-3.

I will finish that game before school starts again... or so I hope.

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