Sunday 15 November 2015

It has certainly been a while

I'm quite sure I used this title before, but no matter: it has been a while.

Ever since my last post, life has been pleasantly dull, but busy. It's hard to believe that we're halfway through November already. I'm starting to see more and more Christmas festivities, which is always a favorite of mine as time passes.

What has been new? I'm off eccentrics for now, which makes working out considerably easier, yet not as fun for some sadistic reason that I may have... I have to say that I kinda miss doing eccentrics. I'll have to see if my opinion changes on the matter in a couple months time.

Work has been the same old essentially. We're currently through presentations, meaning that our first and longest unit is almost complete.

Essentially, onto the march till the end of 2015! It has been, so far, a very eventful and enjoyable year.

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