Sunday 1 November 2015

It's November Already!

It's hard to believe that Hallowe'en has already passed this year. I always associated the start of November as the start of the holiday season. (Which reminds me it's time to find Christmas songs!)

I've been too lazy to blog as of late, and nothing extraordinary has happened to me. I finished reading The Career of Evil, which is an excellent book in the Comoran Strike series written by JK Rowling's pen name -- Robert Galbraith. I cannot wait for the next book in the series since the ending had me on edge!

Friday was the Charter School Conference. It took place at the Calgary's Girl School and the community centre next door. It was informative and gave me a break from teaching. Friday's workout was painful (eccentric squats), but the reward afterwards was filling. I haven't been to Wild Buffalo Wings in a while, so it was nice to visit again despite the amount of money I spent that night...

Saturday, Hallowe'en, was to swap out our all season tires to winter tires. We had a better system in place so it didn't take as long as it used to, say this spring. I stayed in for Hallowe'en this year and worked on my next RG Gundam. The Wing Zero RG kit reminds me of the MG kit in terms of its simplicity, yet angelic beauty.

Sunday, Daylight Saving Time has ended meant I had an extra hour to sleep. Though, I can't say it really helped since I still feel groggy for some unknown reason. Must be old age... I finished making notes and an assignment, but I didn't end up marking stuff I brought home.

It's going to be a long week of marking...
Legs, waist and torso complete! Just arms, head, wings and weapons left before decals!

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