Monday 29 February 2016

Leap Year 2016

Life just continues to go on.

I've been busy the past couple of weeks, but also lazy to update my blog at the same time. The same old grind, day after day... but hopefully it'll change very soon!

Weekend was nice and warm; went and learned how to drive stick on Saturday. People are extremely aggressive if you have a student driver sign on top of your car... I never knew going speed limit was a bad thing. It is true that I was accelerating a lot slower than I would normally do so in an automatic, but I don't think blasting your horn behind me will make me move any faster.

Today was chilly, and there was some snow on the ground. There was a traffic jam in front of my school this morning, but it did not take too long to enter the premises of the school.

After school was PD: part 2 of a webinar series. Mostly review from what I learned from university, but it's a nice refreshed.

Onto Tuesday! The beginning of March! This year is whizzing by ever so quickly! Definitely feels faster than last year I have to say.

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