Thursday 14 July 2016

A story of three lives.

A long time ago, I heard a story/fable/tale/etc about reincarnation. As of recent, I searched around the web to find such a story, but to no avail. Either the story teller made up the story, or it's a vague reminiscence of a different story. Either way, this is how the story/fable/tale/etc goes:

Our spirits are granted three human lives: one life full of happiness, one life full of sadness, and one life where it's up to you to decide your own life.

As simple as it sounds, it formed a large role in my belief of reincarnation. True, the scientist in me have difficulties believing in a topic that seemingly has no solid evidence (that I'm aware of), but it does give comfort in knowing that you have "stored lives" in stock after a person dies. However not knowing which life you're in, because in all honesty how do you objectively define happiness or hardship, makes this story hard to believe. Not having an order, especially with the third described life, doesn't reinforce the story as well.

Once again, it does give solace to a heavy topic such as death. When I heard the story, the storyteller was comforting a sad soul.

And for today, it gave me some peace as well.

Till we meet again.

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