Friday 1 July 2016

Day 1 and Day 2: Leg Day and Shopping Spree

Yesterday marked my first day of Summer 2016. I woke up close to my normal waking time, but ended up drifting back to sleep for a while. After waking up, I had time for a leisure breakfast before going to the gym to dead lift.

After the gym, I headed to Sunridge to purchase tea since my mom had a gift card to David's Tea. It was also Free Tea day, in which I tried their Grape Freeze (I believe that's what it's called) drink. It was alright, though I'm not a huge fan of fusion teas.

In the evening, I went to work out again, which is a first for me. I never had two session in a day before! The evening was dedicated to leg accessories... which is no fun at all. I think I rather squat than to do what we were doing yesterday.

After the workout, we went for some bubble tea before cruising around for a while. It's really fun to drive at night, especially when there's not a lot of cars around. =)

As for today... woke up later than I wanted to since I got home late this morning, but got in a quick workout. For the next 4-5 hours, I spent it detailing a car, before going out for the evening.

As for the title... I've been shopping the past couple days... well online shopping to be exact.

Sigh... if money figuratively grew on trees... or if car parts were cheaper. =/

Oh, and Happy Canada Day 2016! Almost the big 150!

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