Sunday 4 September 2016

New Personal Best and Failing Gracefully

For the past couple of weeks, I've been doing squats on Saturday and deadlifts on Sunday. I find squats to be more draining, especially with a greater fear of failing and injuring myself (from my injury in February) compared to deadlifts. If you can't deadlift, you just drop the bar.

As for this weekend, I switched up the two: deadlifted yesterday and squatted today. I was nervous since I wasn't feeling in top form from deadlifting. Therefore, instead of doing 5 x 3 sets, it was more for PR (personal records) and hypertrophy training.

Since I've been doing two plates for the past month or so, I was able to achieve a PR of 265 lbs. I tried doing 275 lbs twice, but I needed assistance halfway through both times. Nevertheless, I've never touched this amount of weight before, so I was pleased with my progress. Hopefully in six weeks time I'll be able to achieve 275!

After reaching PRs, I worked my way down to a single plate, in which I started hypertrophy training: repping as much as I can without resting. Even though it was only one plate (135 lbs), it felt extremely grueling. On my second set, when I tried to go past ten reps, I failed.

I dropped the bar on the safety rack as I failed and rolled onto my back. Compared to the last time I failed, it was much more graceful. Last time, I refused to drop the bar, which made it difficult for my spotter... and of course caused a bit of a commotion, with others coming to my rescue. I think I almost injured somebody as well with the bar... =/

At least lesson learned! I must say that my failure today was one fluid motion. =P

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