Thursday 1 September 2016

I was actually touched today that I almost had tears in my eyes!

First week with the students! It has been extremely busy due to getting back to the swing of things. This is my first year teaching four science 8 classes, making it more difficult than I thought it would be with scheduling. I see some of my classes for the double, which means that some of my classes are slightly ahead of the others. Small thing that I'll just have to get adjusted to.

Other than that, my new homeroom has been pretty awesome! My previous three homerooms have been really good, but this is the first year where all my students got a lock for their locker. And this was accomplished by the third day of school!

I was really impressed.

But what impressed me more was that majority of my students brought a book cover for their textbook, when in previous years, less than half of my class would bring one in the first week of classes.

And with that, I was touched. I didn't have to remind/haggle my students.

Seemingly small, but it meant a lot to me today.

Hopefully it means that this year will be a good year! =D

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