Tuesday 23 August 2016

First Day Back to Work 2016

It was difficult waking up at 5:30 AM this morning. I went to bed pretty much after completing day 1 of the "22 push ups for 22 day" challenge to bring awareness to our armed forces, veterans and first responders that suffer from PTSD. I fell asleep, just after 12 because I recall checking my phone.

Anyways, I got to work early and began to get ready for the school year. For the good part of the day, I engaged in small talk with colleagues near my classroom, since we haven't seen each other for the past couple of months. After dividing class supplies with my grade team, I went to complete some other tasks. All in all, a pretty productive day in my books.

My schedule for the following school year turned out to be alright: four grade 8 science classes (with a bunch of them being a double period on a single day) and music 7 and 8. Science 8 I'm not worried about since I taught it multiple times before, but music will be a challenge. Besides teaching music theory back in the day, I never taught a music class (playing various of instruments that are not piano based, learning about certain types of music history, learning to play the recorder... though how hard can that be). It'll be an interesting experience to say the least!

After work, I made the rare Tuesday trip to the gym. I normally don't exercise on Tuesdays, since I leave that to get work done at school. However, since school didn't officially start, I made my way down. 

Back Day 2... and boy is my back sore...

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