Saturday 20 August 2016

Grueling oil change...

It was pretty much an ordinary Saturday. I started it by heading to the gym to squat. I was worried I wouldn't be able to squat properly, since it's been a couple weeks since my last session, but I was able to complete 5 sets of 3 reps of 225 lbs without much difficulty. Afterwards, I went to a friend's house to learn how to make egg tarts. Mixing the ingredients was pretty straight forward, though baking them was a different story. The first batch puffed up quite a bit when under high heat, and collapsed once it was cool, leading to a rough texture and bubbles within the custard. 

My friend experimented with the temperature (lowering it to ensure it didn't puff dramatically) and the next batch turned out to be pretty decent. All in all, I learned quite a bit within the afternoon spent there.

Upon coming home, I rested a bit before changing the oil on my car. I have a bit of experience changing the oil before, but it was quite a bit different on my current car. It took my dad and I nearly four hours to change... reasons being removing a plastic cover, covering the oil filter and trying to remove the crush washer on the back of the oil plug. Also, it took over an hour for the car to drain! My guess is the oil was too cool, since I waited too long to change? But that plastic cover... 11 fasteners to unfasten... I'm not sure why they had to make it that difficult to remove (around 15 minutes to remove). Also, I personally think it would be easier if they build some kind of door and latch that exposed the oil filter, so you don't have to remove the entire bottom. 

Either way, I hope it takes less time for the next time! Quite the day for my last weekend before school starts.

I'll finish the blog post on my third year sometime tomorrow... or Monday...

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