Wednesday 3 January 2018

Day 12 - Chromecast + Medical Romance

I was preoccuiped with a new drama series last night (more on it soon), that I didn't feel like blogging Day 11.

As for today, it was just an ordinary day: woke up and ate a leisure breakfast. Yesterday, I went and got a Google Chromecast for my mother, so that she can utilize movies on Netflix and clips on YouTube from her iPad. For $35, compared to $200 for Apple TV, I thought you couldn't go wrong with the Chromecast. Luckily for me, it turned out to be far easier to use than I thought it would be.

Because of that, I went back and got a Chromecast for my dad to use. Fortunately I went early enough, for there were only two left at the BestBuy closest to my place (compared to like 9 yesterday).

After lunch, it was off to the gym for back day. Doing a bit of back on Friday and Saturday has made it more difficult for me to do pull ups, but it's just something I'll have to get used to. After my workout, it was back home to grind out some notes. Two topics down, two more to go! Well... a bit more than two, since I haven't prepped the handouts or answer keys yet for the last section, but that shouldn't take too long compared to constructing notes from scratch.

And finally onto the drama series I'm currently watching: A LIFE. It's another jdorama, and what initially caught my attention were the two leads: Kimura Takuya (Last, First) and Takeuchi Yuko. They last starred together in 2004 in a Romance/Sport drama called Pride (about Hockey). I thought they had great chemistry onscreen throughout the entire drama. Seeing that A LIFE is a medical drama with romance, I eagerly decided to give it a try.

So far, it's not bad. Kimura plays his typical role: a man not bounded by societal norms and does things the way he believes should be done (ex: Change, Hero, Pride, MR.BRAIN, etc). Takeuchi plays a somewhat weak heroine in that I feel she's undecided with choices (ie: her father's surgery in the first episode)... but I guess I'm only two episodes in.

Four more days of break to go! I believe I mentioned it in an earlier post, but it oddly feels long and short at the same time...

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