Friday 1 December 2023

Day 43 (Aug 20) - Around Hongdae

 Since she was feeling better, we were able to make up for lost time by spending most of the day traveling. This time, it was off to Hongdae.

After finishing up leftovers from last night, we got ready and headed towards the metro. It wasn't too far from our hotel, taking us approximately 30 minutes to get to Hongdae. We walked towards Egg Drop, a shop that sold artisan sandwiches. It was a little bit on the pricier side, but they had a lot of stuffing. Taste wasn't too bad as well, with the flavors mixing well with one another. Once we've eaten, we headed towards our next location, which was only a few minutes away.

Thanks Nature Cafe was known for having two sheep on its premises. We first went inside to grab some drinks and to relax a bit before heading back outside to pet the sheep. Fortunately, it wasn't too busy so we were able to get a lot of time with the two. Once we had our fill, it was off to the next cafe.

It was a bit of a walk, but we managed to head down a shopping street that reminded me of Kensington back home. We soon found our destination: Cloud with Sky Dog Cafe. There was a lot of barking, which we could hear a block away. As we entered, we saw at least 15 different breeds lounging around or playing with the various guests. Unfortunately, some of the dogs didn't seem to get along well with one another, but overall, it was an interesting experience. The drinks were quite refreshing, though it wasn't unlimited, unfortunately. After spending nearly two hours here, we left and headed to find some dessert.

Along the way, we stopped by a building that had a BTS store, and at that time as well, a NewJeans pop up. I don't know much about those two groups, but we ventured inside for a while to see what they had. Soon after, we stopped by a Line Friends and a Kakao Friends store nearby. With nothing really sticking out to us, we continued on our way to a shaved ice/bingsu.

We found a dessert shop that had a wide variety of sweets, and a relatively long line up. It was hard to find a table, but we were fortunate enough that we arrived when one other couple finished. We ordered a mango bingsu to share between the two of us. It was full of flavor, and filled with various mango and cheesecake chunks. I would have to say it was my second favorite shaved ice on the trip (right after Tsujiri in Uji). Once we finished, we headed out to shop for beauty products. Seeing a candied strawberry stand nearby, we grabbed one before deciding to head back to drop off our shopping. Not wanting to walk all the way back to the metro station, we hopped onto a taxi back to our hotel. Taxis in South Korea are relatively affordable!

After taking a breather in our hotel, we headed back out for dinner. We ended up at a restaurant that specialized in one dish: a chicken stuffed rice in soup. The chicken contained a healthy portion of rice and other stuffing like chestnut and ginseng. There was also a shot of what I read is ginseng liquor. I'm usually okay with drinking straight shots, but I couldn't muster this one. Little did I know, I could have poured it into my soup. Out of everything I had in South Korea thus far, this was the most unique and perhaps one of my favorite meals in the country. Once we finished dinner, we headed back out and explored Myeong-dong some more. We ended up purchasing some tarts for dessert before getting more shopping done.

Just one more full day in South Korea! It's been a very long, but fulfilling trip to Asia thus far!

At the BTS store. I have no idea what those mascots represent. 

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