Saturday 2 December 2023

Day 44 (Aug 21) - Last full day in South Korea

 We started the day by grabbing some congee for a late breakfast/early lunch. The portions were a lot bigger than I expected but were quite flavorful. Fully fueled, we headed to explore whatever we could for our last day. It started with a store that sold stationary, but at a much higher price than I'm accustomed to. The atmosphere was pleasant, but nothing tickled my fancy. Since we were starting to feel thirsty, we headed to our next stop.

Nudake café in Gangnam was extremely busy, but we were able to grab a seat before I headed off to purchase drinks and dessert. I got some sort of fruity drink while she got a matcha latte. As for the dessert, it was some sort of cake that had a whipped cream filling. The drinks were great, but the $20 CAD dessert tasted like a dry croissant with filling. I can't say that the inner décor was to my liking as well, being quite dark and decorated in a way I didn't find intriguing.

After the café, we headed to a small mall. It wasn't busy so we were able to stroll leisurely. There was a small arcade section with a mini-game machine: The Bishi Bashi. We tried finding one in Hong Kong, but it was occupied. The one here was empty, so we took our time to beat the game. Every time you lost your two lives, you had to put in more coins. I think I ended up putting in around $6-7 CAD while she only had to put in $3. The mini-games reminded me of Mario Party, for those who never played Bishi Bashi before. 

After finishing, we headed out of the mall and walked around for a while before taking the metro to Gundam Base Korea. I was looking for a particular Gundam, but to no avail. We were running tight on time, since we had one last event to attend: Nanta.

Nanta was a comedic show about four cooks trying to prepare for an event. The beginning of the 90 minute show was a bit slow, but it got better as it went on. There was acrobatics, live drumming and a whole range of other activities. Once it was over, we stopped by a restaurant for a late-night dinner. Dinner wasn't anything special, but it was a good way to end the trip.

After making a brief stop at the night market for the last time, we headed back to the hotel to do a final pack before heading to sleep.

It's going to be a long day tomorrow back to Calgary!

Not many pictures were taken this day for some reason, so here's one of the Gundam Base in Seoul. 

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