Monday 24 June 2013

I haven't realized that a week has passed already!

Time really flies! I haven't realized that it has been a week already! And what a week it has been. (I decided that it's not time to release part two yet, so I'll hold that off to a later date.)

Last Thursday, I went to go visit my last practicum school. My former students were doing a lab where they had to clean up an oil spill. I went around and helped out groups with the set up. During my usual prep time, I went to their gym class (they had gym when I had prep). Instead of gym though, they were watching Jumanji. The movie certainly brought back memories of when I watched the film in my younger days.

Between Thursday and Saturday, Southern Alberta experienced a historical flood (I believe it's the biggest flood we ever had in a long time). Downtown Calgary was shut down due to all the flood water. It was the first time I experienced something like this. Over the past couple of days, the effort put in by Southern Albertans has been awe-inspiring, in that many individuals have volunteered to help the misfortunate. On the other hand, there have been opportunists out there...

As of recent, I have caught a cold, just after recovering from a coughing fit not too long ago! I hope I recover in time for my trip. =/

Onto happier news: my macro extension tubes came in today! For about $55 dollars, I can convert my 75-300mm telephoto lens into a decent macro lens. Here's a picture of what it looks like, when I had all three tube parts attached (69mm extension in total)

You can see all the flaws now in my build =(. Also, I'll have to start practicing my manual focusing, since my lens is unable to focus with these extension tubes (despite being able to auto focus since I have the contact points)

And that's it for today! Due to my runny nose, I can't think/write anymore... I've been running upstairs every few seconds to blow my nose...

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