Tuesday 9 July 2013

Extremely Frightening Morning...

I had an extremely weird morning. I was dreaming that I was watching a friend give a speech, but he got interrupted due to something (I think there was a flood). Somehow, Prime Minister Harper was there and tried to convince my friend to continue on, but my friend felt dejected and left the podium.

At this point, I woke up because I started hearing weird noises. I peeked to the side and noticed a dark shadow at the foot of my brother's bed. (For those who don't know, I share a room with my brother. We have two separate beds that are pretty much side by side). 

Anyways, I thought it was my mom initially, trying to wake my brother up since he had the morning shift at the hospital... but then I realized that my brother doesn't have any shifts at the moment...

After I realized that, I thought it was a burglar. But it couldn't have been since my windows were all shut and I didn't hear any broken glass. As these thoughts raced through my head, I continued to peek with my left eye. At this point, I thought I was hallucinating, but to have both an auditory and visual at the same time was something that never occurred to me before. The shadowy figure kept moving side to side, with little shuffling steps (that I could hear, or imagined hearing). 

When I thought that it may be something... from a different dimension/universe/ghost/spirit/etc, my eyes shot open, and at this point I saw and heard nothing anymore.

Now it could have been, that I was still dreaming, or waking up from such a state, but it felt so real at that time. After experiencing that, I had a hard time falling back to sleep since the adrenaline was pumping through my veins. 

And that was my extremely frightening morning! It's probably all a figment of my imagination, but it sure sent a cold chill down my spine. =/ 


  1. I do believe you just had a case of sleep paralysis. Pretty common. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sleep_paralysis

    1. Makes sense! I never heard of this condition before. Thanks for filling me in Jon!
