Saturday 13 July 2013

Time for some summer goals

It feels like my brain is slowly leaking out of my ears... I've been doing the same thing every day pretty much.

Wake up, job search, find something to do on the internet. Mostly, that involves drama-ing/anime-ing or gaming.

So to help motivate me into doing something useful (like last summer), I decided to come up with a list of some goals to hopefully keep my brain stimulated as I slowly rot at home!

1) Exercise. I gained quite a bit of weight (if I haven't mentioned it before) over the past couple of months since I've been mostly at home in front of my monitor. Fortunately for me, I went and purchased a membership from LC on Tuesday!

2) Learn some basic basic Japanese. I bought a book in my 2nd (or was it 1st) year of university. Ever since then, I never cracked it open really... Therefore, it's high time I start and learn some basic Japanese. Despite research showing that learning another language at an older age takes more time (or is different, or whatever the research was), it's nevertheless an important skill to learn another language! Might as well since I watch so much dramas and animes!

And those are my two main goals for now. Oh and blogging too. Perhaps it's time to write another "Philosophical Thoughts" blog. It's been quite a while! My topic in mind is "It's a matter of perspectives"

Finished building my MG Aegis! Now to decal and detail. =/

Oh goal 3) Take more pictures. I've stopped doing Gundam pictures for a while, but it's fine time to get back right at it!

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