Tuesday 30 July 2013

Two done, one more to go!

Finished building and decaling Aegis! I didn't marker it much since I wasn't able to find a decent marker. I was thinking of doing it with black paint + paint thinner, but I was scared that the paint thinner would remove the red coat of paint I had. Therefore, I took the lazy route and didn't marker at all!

Besides finishing Aegis, my day was pretty ordinary. I didn't go work out this morning since my legs were feeling sore from badminton yesterday. I did do push ups at home, just to try and get some chest exercises in. I also finished Baccano!, which was an interesting anime about mafias, alchemist, thieves and other eccentric personalities. Baccano! was very unique in that there's no linear plot. The 13 episodes focuses on a single event, but told through a multiple of viewpoints and in different time frames. I have to admit it was confusing at first, but everything made sense at the very end.

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