Saturday 31 August 2013

Lack of Motivation

Urk... I don't feel like doing anything today. This lack of motivation is quite draining. =/

I planned to clean up my closet today, but when I opened up my closet, I ended up closing the door since I didn't feel like cleaning it up.

Another day perhaps.

As for my week... it's been pretty standard. Went out more than usual, but otherwise nothing really out of the ordinary.

Starting tomorrow, I'll try and be more active on my blog. I came up with ways to force me to write if no topics pop into my mind!!

Tuesday 27 August 2013

Slow summer blogging

Nothing out of the ordinary has happened during the past week. I pretty much just went out a couple times, played a bunch of LoL and SC (SC on my brother's computer since he doesn't lag at all), read books (Cuckoo's Calling and started Kitchen God's Wife) and building my red astray.

I need a way to help me motivate to write more when September hits! Hmm, maybe the life of an unemployed...

Gosh I need a full time job...

Tuesday 20 August 2013

Music does seemingly make a car ride go faster

I had to drive up Airdrie today so I downloaded SNSD's Best Selection Non Stop Mix. If I'm not mistaken, Taku from M-Flo compiled 20 of their Japanese songs and mixed them so it sounds like it's one long continuous track. The songs themselves didn't really change, just the beginning and the ending to ensure that it flows smoothly.

I had to say that it made my car ride seem shorter than what I would have expected, so that's awesome news for me! I even listened to the mix during my drive to work today as well.

For those who are interested in the mix, here's a youtube video of the songs. I really liked the transition between Paparazzi and Bad Girl (around the 12:10 mark if I remember correctly).  

Sunday 18 August 2013


Or something along that line. I can't access my cell phone account at the moment.

Normally, my bill comes to around $52.50, but somehow, when I opened up my account to pay my bill, I found out that my bill was almost $20 more than normal!

Sure, it's not as bad as those people that racked up thousands and thousands of dollars on their bills, but to a poor, recently-graduated-unemployed person... it's a tough pill to swallow. I quickly grabbed my handset and gave my carrier a call. After talking to a customer representative, they decided to credit me back $18 since I never had a record of going over before.

And I was simply delighted to get that credit! Apparently, I went over my data usage by about 365 MBs. (Normally, I'm about 200 MB below my limit every month). It struck me odd since I don't recall using my data extensively, nor have I lent my phone to anybody recently. After my call ended, I went to check to see how much data I used so far during my current cycle.

I'm about 5 days in and I already used 20% of my limit... which I can't seem to imagine how I spent so much data in the past couple of days...

And so, as of today, I'm going to leave my 3G off unless I really need it. =/

Wednesday 14 August 2013

Almost swallowed a fly today

It was a pretty warm day today so I went out for a jog in front of my house.

I started with a small warm up and proceeded to jog down this hill. As I was jogging, I noticed a small black speck flying out of the corner of my right eye. As it entered the center of my field of vision (or whatever the terminology is called), I inhaled through my mouth...

and nearly sucked the fly into my oral cavity!

Fortunately, my reflexes caught the fly with my lips gently. I proceeded to blow/spit the fly out. It went spiralling down to the ground.

And I never looked back

Sunday 11 August 2013

Is today "Drive Like an Idiot Day"?

For the past five years as a driver, I must say that I had the most "fun" driving today on my way to karate.

Starts off in my back alley. To exit my back alley, I have to approach a T-intersection, which means I'm pretty much blind onto the "main traffic" that exits out of my alley. To combat this, I would usually inch my way forward until I can clearly see the road. 

And so I inched forward, and stopped since there was a truck driving down the alley. 

Okay. No problem. I'll just wait for him to pass by, since he doesn't seem to have his blinker turned on. Turns out, he was turning into my lane.

And since it was the back alley, thus there wasn't much space, thus he wasn't able to make his turn. So I backed up to create more space for him. Apparently that wasn't enough for him, so he backed up and allowed me to pass through.

Bit weird, but very kind of him I guess. And so I continued on my merry way. I reached another T-intersection and made my turn. As I completed my turn, a silver Mazda parked on the side of the road forced his way into the lane without any turn signal. 

Then I see the kid/young adult perform his shoulder check (after I hit my brakes) and stopped on the road, blocking up most of the lane. So, I drove around him and continued on my journey. Sure I could have let him go first, but it didn't appear to me that he wanted to move.

Anyways, smooth sailing for about 5 minutes until my next encounter. Some car wanted to merge into my lane, so he dangerously cuts the car that was in front of me. If I was tailgating that car, I would have rear-ended him. =/ At this point, I pretty much had my foot on the brake pedal for the entire ride. 

After a couple more minutes, I finally hit my first freeway. Speed limit on this road is 70 KMH, but the guy on the left lane decides to drive at around 55 KMH. I finally got past him and drove on. Next thing I know, I look into my rearview window and see a silver BMW tailgating me like heck... driven by some middle aged guy. He thought I was going slow (when I was going 10 KMH over the limit) and decides to switch lanes to cut me off.

Too bad that there was a car in the other lane going at the same speed limit as me XP.

And after he manages to pass us (by going onto the third lane), he is met by a red light. 


Onto my next freeway. Speed is 80 KMH. Middle lane and far left lane cars were going 50 KMH. No sign of radar or construction or anything... 

And I finally reached city center. 

Oh look... another car that forces his way in front of me. =/

And that was that. I normally have leisurely drives to karate, but today took the cake... or however the saying goes. I never experienced so much bad driving in one day. I know I shouldn't complain much since I'm not the best driver myself... but today was simply ridiculous in my books.

I don't believe there's a full moon out either...

Thursday 8 August 2013

One Lagiacrus, two mantles.

Nothing really to blog about for the past couple of days. It's been mostly hanging out and an interview on Tuesday. 

So back to Monster Hunters I go! A couple days ago, my brother and I decided to tackle a couple of quests after a week's hiatus. We started out with a mega-potion quest that required us to slay a royal ludroth, a nargacuga and a Lagiacrus. It went pretty smoothly with no unexpected surprises. At the end of the quest, and onto the rewards screen... 

I somehow managed to get two Lagiacrus mantles! Talk about lucky!!

And that's not all!

We tried a Lagiacrus and Ivory Lagiacrus quest. 

And I ended up with my third mantle for the night!

My MH3U luck is coming back to me. =)

Saturday 3 August 2013

Birds birds birds!

I just recently realized that the little hedge outside of my window attracts a whole bunch of birds in the morning! I'm not quite sure what species they are... perhaps sparrows? They're brownish in color and are small in size.

Anyways, it was a pleasant surprise to see a whole flock of them chirping around as they gossip on the branches of that little hedge. I have to say that they are quite sensitive to sound. One time, I let out an ENORMOUS sneeze and they all flew away. =(