Friday 11 August 2017

Day 16 (July 25) - Last Day in Japan 2017 = Shopping

We got up late (around 8:30) since it was going to be a day filled with shopping. After breakfast and getting ready, we departed for Akihabara. We looked around the district once again, followed by a quick Takoyaki break before heading back to Akihabara Radio Kaiken, a store filled with otaku goodies. After purchasing a few gifts and spending a couple of hours strolling through the different floors and stores, ranging from cards to gundams, it was off to a new area that we haven’t been to before in Tokyo.

Ameyayokocho (aka Ameyuko) is located near Ueno station, thus being very close to Akihabara. It took us literally three minutes to get to Ueno, and an another three minutes to find Ameyuko. Ameyuko is a shopping arcade filled with goodies. There were stores selling vegetables, fruits, clothing, fake name brand bags and, most importantly to me, snacks. This one store… and I cannot read the name for the life of me, had aisle upon aisle of snacks. We must have spent at least 30 minutes browsing through all the different types of snacks that they had for sale!

Once we purchased our goods, we headed back to our hotel to rest up for a couple of hours. Near 8 in the evening, we headed out to the nearby supermarket to purchase dinner. Once again, discounted bento boxes!! I always picked up a couple small snacks that I haven't ate at all during the trip, such as pudding and grapefruit cups.

Our last full day before we head back home to Calgary.

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