Wednesday 2 August 2017

Day 9 (July 18) - Back to Honshu! Onto Okayama!

We woke up relatively late since we didn't have much planned besides heading to Okayama.

Breakfast was an amazing feat, I believe we had at least 6 different dishes, ranging from grilled river fish to Onsen tamago rice. For those of you that don't know what Onsen Tamago rice is, it's essentially a soft boiled egg on top of rice. I would eat this daily for breakfast if I could! Overall, breakfast was amazing, and light! Like I mentioned before, there were a lot of dishes, but I didn't feel full after eating all that. After breakfast, we had one final bath in the hot springs before packing up. Out of the three baths we took, the morning one was my favourite. The serene atmosphere and the grey skies (perhaps because it would rain later that day) made everything feel very peaceful. Also, the weather wasn't hot yet, so that's a definite plus!

After checking out, we ventured around Kurokawa Onsen town. Kurokawa can essentially be traveled via a circle route, but we took a wrong turn elsewhere, leading us onto a highway and away from Kurokawa. After walking for nearly 30 minutes, one of us noticed that it seemed weird, so we GPS our way back. While we found our way back to town, the ryokan dropped off our luggage for us, just before the bus can take us back to Fukuoka airport.

Waterfall on the route outside of Kurokawa Onsen. Sometimes detours aren't too bad, even if you're not going to the right place!

We made our way back to Fukuoka airport, followed by taking the subway back to Hakata station. From there, we took a bullet train to Tokyo station. The train was busier than I expected, but we all managed to find seats. After about five hours of travelling (bus and bullet train), we arrived at our destination. Okayama seems like a big city, but doesn't seem as busy as cities like Tokyo. We dropped off our luggage after checking in before looking for dinner at a ramen restaurant at the train station. At the ramen restaurant, I had a demi-glace tonkatsu bowl, which is supposedly one of the key dishes in Okayama cuisine. After dinner, we stopped by the market nearby to stock up for breakfast. Convenience stores are great for shopping for cheap meals, but supermarkets are even better! Sometimes, we would find discounted meals, or get drinks at a cheaper price than convenience stores.

Just a travel day, but we're approaching the last half of our trip.

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