Tuesday 2 April 2019

It's that time of the year again!

I didn't have time yesterday, but I got in two episodes of Your Lie in April. At this moment, it is still my favorite anime series. For my fourth time watching the series, I'll be looking at the use of color -- apparently the sky has a part to play in regards to Kaori's emotional state.

Other than restarting Your Lie in April, work was the ordinary. I'll just have to remind myself to get ready for the upcoming Science Fair at the end of the week. Badminton practice went relatively well, though I'm looking forward to the end of the season.

Squats went relatively well -- first couple warm up sets were heavy but 245 lbs for five sets of five went well. Hopefully I'll be able to do go back to a one rep max of 315 by the end of June!

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