Monday 1 April 2019

First Day Back after Break

Unlike previous years, the first day back after Spring Break included students. I now truly appreciate the OD we used to get after a break to get ready for work. True that a lot of CBE schools don't have that OD day -- though I think it should be mandatory!

Despite not teaching at all (my student teacher is doing 100% at the moment), the first day went by relatively quickly. Badminton practice went well, and I managed to get some work done before heading on home.

Roads were oddly quiet, thus I was able to make it home in about 20 minutes. After a quick snack, it was off to the gym for shoulders and arms. Overhead press has been going up slowly -- 120 lbs for five sets of five. I'm hoping to hit 135 lbs for fives by June. Arms was mostly straight forward, though I didn't end up leaving the gym till around 8:45.

About five more days before I leave my 20's. I wonder what I'll be writing, assuming I continue this blog, ten years from now when I approach the end of my 30's...

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