Saturday 6 April 2019

To the Last Day of my 20's

In all honesty, I can't recall entering my 20's. It took place during my second semester of my second year -- which was a hellish time for me in terms of academics... but that's for another day.

The first half was accompanied by finishing university (I finished my education degree at the age of 24) and looking for a job. Being dejected by the public board really brought really hampered my spirits for a few months -- though a stroke of good luck fell into my hands when I was able to land my current job.

The second half of my 20's, I felt was a lot more eventful than the first half. Not only did I start my career, I got the opportunity to travel to places -- especially Japan. In the three years I went (2014,2015 and 2017), I had the wonderful opportunity to spend the equivalent of three months to explore all corners of (half) my heritage. This to me, helped me discover who I am. Also during this time frame, I finally got back in shape -- going down from 212 pounds in the summer of 2014 to my lightest of 172 in late 2015. It was tough cutting back on foods I enjoyed, but it did help my self confidence (along with going to the gym). I also made my first big purchase -- a car that I have long admired ever since my elementary days.

As I enter my 30's tomorrow -- I'm constantly reminded of the aging process. I can't eat as much as I used to, hair starting to go grey, hairline starting to recede, injuries not recovering as quickly as they used to, having the need to go to sleep earlier and having difficulties staying up late, to many other, relatively minor things. As for goals, I hope to continue to improve as an individual and continue down this path of "adulthood" (aka: purchasing my own property). I hope that I can continue to stay relatively healthy and advance my own career... though how would that be shaped... I'm not sure yet.

Thank you to all of you that have read my blog over the years, and to those of you that read it daily over this past year for my 365 day challenge. It was a struggle to produce content, and I had to say that much of it was mundane postings of my daily life. From now on, I will blog less, but hope to bring more quality reads!

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