Wednesday 24 August 2022

Day 2 Edmonton (August 11)

 Our room must have faced East, for I swear that bright light was streaming through the crack of our curtains. We got up and headed downstairs of our hotel for the complimentary breakfast. Selections were sparse, but decent in taste which made a great start to my morning. I made sure not to overly stuff myself since we were planning to spend a few more hours at West Ed.

After breakfast, we checked out and headed back to the mall. We started at the amusement park once again and I mustered the courage to ride Space Shot: apparently the world's tallest indoor tower ride. Going up was fine and dandy, but going down definitely made me a bit queasy. I tried one other ride, while my girlfriend, who is an amusement park aficionado went on a few more. After spending about an hour, we proceeded to head to the water park.

I brought a lock, hoping to save money from renting a locker, but there was no opportunity to do so. $10 to rent a locker was a bit steep, even if there was unlimited use for the entire day. Oh, you bet I made good use of that locker; I must have opened and closed it 15 times during our stay that day while constantly going back to grab stuff and such. Since I'm quite near-sighted, it was a challenge navigating the park. Fortunately, my girlfriend had her contacts on and was able to lead us to the slide section after we spent some time to soak in the hot tub. The slides were reminiscent of the Thunder Run back at VSLC, albeit a lot cooler and a lot more to choose from. I don't recall the names of the three slides I tried, but they were all quite fun. As you guessed it... I did end up feeling slightly nauseous from one of the slides. It was one where they had no lights on the inside and I got disorientated as I was going through the various twists in the slide. 

The line ups went by quickly, so we managed to squeeze in some time in the giant wave pool. The pool was quite crowded, but we managed to find some space in the deep end. After being engulfed by the waves, it was time for lunch. Once again, we kept it simple and just headed to the food court. 

After lunch, we spent about another hour at the water park, or more like I sat on a chair while my girlfriend tried the other slides. For next time, I will be sure to bring Gravol.

Before heading back home to Calgary, we made a pit stop at Tsujiri for a refresher. It was luckily we did for we heard barking sounds coming outside. We poked our heads after dessert and noticed they had their Sea Lion exhibition. After watching it for a few minutes, it was time to make the trek back home to Calgary.

It was another straight drive back to Calgary. It was somewhat more interesting of a ride back compared to going to Edmonton for reasons unbeknown to me. Maybe it's because it was in the afternoon instead of the early morning, or maybe because I was looking forward to sleeping in my own bed. After making it back to Calgary, we stopped at a car wash to wash off all the grime on the front bumper from the drive (and from Canmore the week before). It certainly looked like I wiped out the entire population of Bugtopia based on how splattered the front bumper was from the carnage. 

All in all, a great two day trip away from Calgary. Perhaps I'll explore Edmonton one day though I can't seem to see how much different it would be from Calgary. 


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