Monday 29 August 2022

Las Vegas 2022 Day 5? Returning Home (Aug 21)

 It was perhaps my most restful night; I managed to get a solid 5 hours of sleep. When I awoke, a few of us were standing by the pool. As everyone got up, we decided to take some pictures in shirts that one of us designed for the occasion. 

We cleaned up the best we could, and left a whole bunch of drinks in the fridge due to our inability to finish it all. The groom had an earlier flight back to his home than we did, so we bid him farewell as his Uber came to pick him up just after 9 AM. We stayed inside the AirBnb till it was check out time. 

Before heading to the airport, we decided to grab some pho at a restaurant nearby. The pho was generally good, but awfully pricy at around $25 CAD after tips and taxes. Once finished, we waited outside for our last Uber ride. It was the last time I got to enjoy the desert heat; definitely more pleasant than 2013 though maybe because I was used to the relatively hot weather we had in Calgary over the past couple of months.

The ride to the airport was uneventful. We checked in and got through security in under 15 minutes. There was still 2.5 hours or so before boarding so a few of us decided to walk laps around the terminal we were at till it was time to go. I have sinned greatly when it came to food and hoped that walking for nearly 90 minutes will be a sliver of repent. 

The ride was quite turbulent to Edmonton (saved nearly $150 I believe for the layover), but I did end up getting some shut eye while listening to a podcast. Getting through customs was relatively easy, though I didn't really get the purpose of the ArriveCAN app we had to use, since they just visually checked our phones instead of scanning the QR code that was produced. Nevertheless, the 1.5 hour layover went by quickly and we boarded a small plane to Calgary. It really felt like we spent more time boarding and taxing than we did flying. Once we got back to Calgary, we said our goodbyes before splitting off on our own paths back home.

And so marks the end of an extended vacation away from Canada since 2019. I've learned how much money one could save staying off the strip and eating off the strip. I don't think I'll be going back anytime soon, but thank you LV for the hospitality! I never thought I would be so scared of food (Bellagio Buffet) nor discovered why cars can easily cost as much as a small home. Overall, a nice way to end summer break before school starts again!

Where will be my next adventure be I wonder...

 Surprisingly quite good! I may need to start drinking coffee more often...

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