Tuesday 10 July 2012

Dress Code Fail

Posting on my phone again since I don't want to plug it into my computer again. Going off on a tangent, blogger should allow landscape mode on their app. It's kind of hard to write in portrait mode for a long time...

I woke up today to the sounds of people on my roof. At first I thought somebody was trying to break in, but I remembered seeing tons of building supplies on top of my roof last night.

Those people were there to put on new shingles on my house and garage. They started at around 6:30 AM. Bright and early!

Today marked Day 5 of work. Unlike the previous days, I was tired at the beginning of my shift. Long days of standing is quite difficult, but I'm starting to get used to it. My feet don't hurt as much anymore, but it could be due to another reason (which I will elaborate in a bit). Today was Senior's Day at the stampede. However, the customer's age range was about the same like any other day. It seemed like, though, we had good sales today. It started slowly, but we were constantly busy.

When I got home today, the roofers (im not quite sure what the appropriate term is) were still going at it. I ate dinner quickly and settled down to watch an episode of Hellsing Ultimate. Overall, I have to say its better than the original anime!

I was nodding off at around 8, so I played some SC to wake me up, which actually helped me wake up! At around 9:30, the roofers finished with the installation. I haven't gotten the chance to look at it yet, but I'm sure they did a pretty good job!

Now onto the title of my post and why my feet don't hurt as much anymore. Actually, off onto another tangent: I'm notorious for wearing white socks with black dress pants. I started this habit of mine when I started working as a piano teacher at my old place since I only had like 2 pairs of black dress socks. Not wanting to buy more, I stuck to white socks.

Well I took it up a notch since Monday. I've been wearing sneakers with my dress pants or designer jeans. =P It looks weird, but my boss doesn't mind and that my feet don't hurt as much anymore! =D

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