Tuesday 31 July 2012


Oh Katoki Hajime (designer of the kit I'm building at the moment)...

You'll be the end of me...

I'm DEFINATELY not going to build another Version Katoki (Ver Ka) kit for a long long time. It's been over a week and I'm still working on the decals! Today, I just gave up on decals and started putting on stickers. In about 4 hours, I finished stickering the body (shoulders, arms, legs, chest and waist) and the shields. In total, that was about 100+ stickers.

Now, if it were decals... I'll still be on decal number 40 or something...

To end of today's post:

BoA has plans of releasing a MV for her second track: The Shadow. The song isn't one of my favorites, but I'll definitely check out the MV.

Here's a snapshot taken from a sneak peak of the MV.

Credits: forums.boajjang.com

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