Wednesday 1 August 2012

Finally done... kinda...

When I sat down to work on decals today (since I finished stickering the body yesterday), I gave up.

I decided to assemble the parts together to make one full gundam. Putting the body together took about five minutes. Putting on the weapons, and hoping that they stay on the body: one hour.

Why did it take that long?

Well, my waist keep breaking in two. I think it's due to the weight (since it was standing on its own; not on a stand yet). Besides the waist, I wasn't able to attach a beam javelin to its right hand... since it was too heavy for it to carry it (or is it due to all the paint I used on it...). After trying for 10 minutes, and having the waist snap every minute, I gave up trying to put on the beam javelin.

Here's the "finished product"... I might put on the other decals when I feel like it... which is highly unlikely...

I didn't even dull cote it...

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