Sunday 5 August 2012

August Long Weekend

It's been a while since I last posted, so a quick recap of my weekend so far!


In the afternoon, I went to a friend's house to celebrate his birthday. During this time, I had the chance to sample different types of sauces and dishes that I never had before! I have to say that they were pretty good! Unfortunately, I couldn't stay for the entire time, since for Bro Night, we were going to go out to a shooting range to shoot guns.

We went to a shooting range down in the south. I had to say that I was feeling quite anxious since it was my first time using a real gun. After our group picked out three hand guns, we went to a shooting range (after hearing the instructions of course). In here, we were joined by a couple, who had experience shooting before. As we were fumbling to fill our magazines with bullets, they started shooting next to us. I had to say that hearing a gunshot up close AND with heavy duty hearing protection, was INCREDIBLY SCARY AND LOUD.

When I had my chance to shoot, it was... an experience that I won't soon forget. It wasn't the recoil that got me, rather it was the implications of holding a gun. To sum it up, it's fun to shoot, but to know that I have such a powerful, deadly weapon in my hands is... quite unnerving.

After the hand guns, I got the chance to try out two different rifles, including an AK 47. These guns were a lot louder and had more recoil, but once again... the feeling of holding a weapon like this in my hands...

All in all, it was quite an experience, yet something I don't think I'll be doing often... =/ Now to clarify, I'm not condescending anyone that enjoys shooting guns, just that its not really for me.


Volunteered in the morning, like every other Saturday morning. After volunteering, I went home and ate a quick lunch. After playing some games (My Life as a King), I took a short nap. After napping, I went out to Market Mall for a while.

And yup... pretty uninteresting day. =P


Karate in the morning, like usual. After karate, I went over to a friend's house to install some programs for his mac. Afterwards, I came home and grinded some more in Pokémon conquest since it's been a while since I spent some time on that game.

In the evening, I played some SC. I'm very displeased with blizzard's new patch (1.5). My computer now LAGS when I play and I'm already as low as I can go for graphic settings...

Looks like I won't be able to play SC till Heart of the Swarm comes out. I'm in no position to purchase a new gaming computer at the moment. =(

And yes! That marks my weekend so far. Pretty ordinary, except for friday!

The target I was shooting at on Friday.

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